Correct It

Before jumping into the intricate process of paint correction, it's crucial to first focus on meticulous preparation. This initial stage is essential for ensuring the best possible outcome. It all starts with a detailed and comprehensive wash, carefully designed to address specific issues. To begin, an acidic solution is applied to effectively combat mineral or lime scale deposits present on the vehicle's surface. Following this, an alkaline soap bath is used to thoroughly cleanse grease and neutralize any residual acidity left over from the initial treatment.

The next step involves chemical and mechanical decontamination, where an iron remover takes on the task of eliminating ferrous metal particles that originate from sources such as brake dust and exhaust. These particles often manifest as unsightly orange spots, particularly noticeable on light colored cars. By effectively addressing these issues, the iron remover sets the stage for the subsequent clay bar treatment, ultimately ensuring a safer and more successful paint correction process.

Now that the surface is clean we can perform the paint correction. Polishing a vehicle consists of using a fine abrasive in conjunction with a polishing pad. As we abrade the surface we are slowly and safely removing clear coat material to remove scratches and etchings. Scratches on paint usually come from improper wash techniques or drive through car washes. Under a microscope the scratches on the paint look like small peaks and valleys. The abrasives in the polishing compound smooth out the valleys making the paint as smooth as possible. Light reflects off the paint and to our eyes the more light that reflects off the paint the more shine the car has. Defects and swirl marks dull out the paint since the light gets caught in those peaks and valleys there for not reflecting directly off the paint.

At Zealous, we offer three levels of correction. Our most affordable option is the one step polish, which uses one pad and polish to remove around 40-50% of defects. The paint enhancement option uses two pads and polishes to remove around 70% of defects and refine the finish. The full correction option includes unlimited pads and polishes to achieve a 90% defect removal rate, suitable for deep defects. We also offer special services like orange peel removal which includes sanding—contact us for more information!

  • Our 3 levels of correction are so our clients can build a service package customized for their budget and needs. Here are the 3 starting prices

    Polish- Starts at $600

    Enhancement- Starts at $1200

    Ultimate Correction- Starts at $1800

  • The time we take is dependent on the service you build. The duration of the service can range from 1 day all the way to about a week for our most extensive package

  • Not always! It is also very common to correct it, heres why:

    When your car is being built on the assembly line it will constantly be worked on involving humans sometimes rubbing on the paint with their clothes or even tools. Secondly a car can sit outside on a lot for months waiting for lose ends to come in and get installed. The car will be sitting there without any protection allowing the top layer of the paint to get weathered and oxidized. At a minimum, the one step polish service is recommended for that gloss you expect from a new car.